Please ensure that you are self-screening and answering the below questions before attending any classes.
You must ask yourself the following self-screening questions:
Have you been to a high-risk area in the last 14 days?
Have you come in contact with any confirmed cases of COVID – 19?
Are you suffering any flu-like symptoms/symptoms of coronavirus covid-19?
Are you experiencing any fever-like/temperature symptoms?
*Only if you answer NO to ALL these questions can you attend any of our Dandelion Yoga classes, retreats or workshops *
If you answered *Yes* to any of them please consult with your GP or checkout more information on for the latest guidance.
If you have any further questions or doubts, please contact us.
Grainne Ferreira
Dandelion Yoga
021-4652336 / 086 – 8605571
Covid Guideline
Below are the details you will require before the class:
Things you will need to bring:
- Yoga mat
- Water
- Blanket
Things I need to know before the class:
- Names
- Addresses
- Contact details
Standard questions to help improve the quality of your experience in the class are:
- Have you practiced Yoga before?
- Do you have any injuries or medical conditions that could affect your practice that I should be aware of before your class?
Beginners Info